Friday, July 1, 2011

Why My School's Sports Team Sucks

At my high school, which I won't name, our sport teams suck balls. And that's more justified than you think. And don't take me wrong, I don't mean to bad mouth these people. God knows I can't run up and down a field for 15 minutes or get tackled by a 210-pound linebacker and go on like nothing happened, but it goes without saying that we aren't too good.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Here in Dallas, the CBS-owned independent station runs about five hours of nothing but court shows, from one until five in the afternoon. One of the shows they run is "The People's Court" and that ditzy little theme song that show has. What got me to look for the song on YouTube is that while watching a Star Wars-themed episode of "Family Guy" on Netflix, the John Williams-led orchestra started to play the song and a big ol' smile came across my face. And now, I'm listening to it, and God, it's addictive. And here it is for YOUR enjoyment.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Art from Facebook - One

This first panel is from May. A friend (name withheld) would come 'round to my house two, three times a week for a ride to school in the morning. Around March, it something nice to do, as a favor, but as the weeks dragged on, it got a bit annoying. I soon got irate about the whole situation, but didn't say anything. Then, one day, on my way to third period, I saw him with his new? girlfriend as I walked by. Later that day, he IM'd me and I told him the following: