Saturday, October 29, 2011

What I Learned Today... Six

Friday afternoon was a good one. I was heading towards my last class of the day when I felt I was forgetting something. Of course, my water bottle had broken the morning before, and that was still on my mind, but still... I felt as if something was missing. Someone walked in front of me when suddenly, it hit me. 

I had forgotten my jacket! 

As I started back, people were streaming out, so I had to walk against traffic. It was difficult bumping up against people... and about half-way back, I hit some girl with my shoulder and as she left, she yelled something. I said, "Shut the fuck up" loudly. A-ha-ha-ha. As you can see... she needed a chill pill

What I learned today: try to remember better... or not to bump into black girls.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Walk of Horror, the Walk of Shame, and the Collision Course

As I have said earlier, Wednesday is always the golden day for me. It's halfway between Monday and Friday, so that gives me hope that the weekend is coming and not to mention that I'll see the First Family maybe. Well, this Wednesday has several happenings.

During my government class (in which our teacher is sort-of an tough old-timer), he was talking about something (what I forget... he's always telling us to pay attention) and he started walking towards my desk. This chill came over me for some reason... but I guess I ended up freaking out. I should probably take his advice and pay attention.

During my music class, one of my classmates sitting next to me said something to the person next to him... and a girl who was passing out papers was offended by what he said. Well, after a class-wide broadcast... he had to apologize in front of everyone... and then took that long walk to where that other girl was sitting. They shook hands and he walked back. That walk of shame is a long one... even if it's only eight feet.

And then the collision course. It's always a pleasure to run into the couple... but when it's a close call... it's weird. Seriously... AHHHH~! I love 'em, though.... is that creepy? Maybe.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Coming Soon...

I've decided to make a new blog called The Archenemy.
Now, while I contemplate the legal action of this... enjoy Este Mundo Sin Tí by the Claxons

It's not what you expect, seriously.

What I Learned Today.... Five

Today, I learned that nothing happens without action (took a genius to figure that one out), so today, trying to start a Senior Year photo album on my Facebook page... I brought my camera along... and may I say... thank God I did. :)

I'll post some of the photos when I can find my camera cable.

And oh... before I forget... I also learned that Facebook is a great way to show yourself to others... seriously.
And... here... enjoy this photo frame found in Nothing's On, coming real soon...
once I finish the story board.*

I thought I had finished the story, but I figured I could evolve it a bit more.
It's coming soon.... seriously.